Operating for over 40 years, the Karaíba Group is composed of qualified professionals and partners with extensive experience in business management.

Our History

Who We Are

The Karaíba Group was established in 1979 in the city of Uberlândia, MG, with the founding of the company Karaíba Imobiliária.

In its inaugural project, the company, through an innovative concept, gave rise to one of the city’s most upscale and well-known neighborhoods, Jardim Karaíba.

Real State

Where We Are


Rua Coronel Manoel Alves, 189
Sala 07 - Fundinho - Uberlândia-MG/Brazil
Phone: (34) 3223-4040


Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 407
Sala 802 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro/Brazil
Phone: (21) 3251-5984

Talk To Us

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